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Lascivity is a collection of essays about sex and kink, written by Kristan X (me) and a few other guest writers. It includes:

  • Nuanced, well-written smut
  • Detailed, constantly-updated kink guides
  • Essays about complex elements of kink

Some of the most popular things I’ve published include this guide to anal sex, this piece about being neurodivergent and kinky, and this long list of unusual and imaginative ways to hurt a consenting lover.

Quote, share, link, reblog…

I’m very happy for you to share anything I publish. Please do! The texts on this site are written to be shared.

However, when you share something please link to it rather than copying and pasting the text. I ask that you do this because many posts are updated on a regular basis. If you copy and paste something, the information you’ve shared will soon be out of date. By linking to the piece instead, you’ll always be sharing the most up-to-date version of any text.

That said, it’s totally fine to copy and paste short quotes from anything on this site.

Ask me anything

Got a question about anything relating to kink or BDSM? Get in touch and I’ll do my best to answer it – it may take me a few days, but I aim to get back to everyone as soon as possible.

I never publish reader questions. However, I do use them to work out what I should write about next, what pieces need updating, and where things need to be clarified or expanded on in existing articles.

Sponsored post policy

If you have a product you think I might be interested in, you’re welcome to get in touch. I’m open to sponsored posts, but with several caveats.

First and foremost, I DO NOT accept pre-written posts. Pre-written content is (generally speaking) garbage. If I agree to publish a sponsored post about your product, it’ll be written either by me or by a guest writer.

Secondly, I only feature sponsored posts about products that are interesting, ethical and relevant. If you believe your product fits these three criteria, tell me how in your intial email.

Finally, I charge a minimum of £300 for a sponsored post. If this is not within your budget, look elsewhere. This minimum fee is not negotiable.


I curate dirty stories and essays which feature kink in some respect, with an emphasis on quality writing. I pay professional rates for stories and essays, and I’m always open to submissions.

Who are you?

Lascivity is owned and operated by Kristan X. That’s me! I’m based in Edinburgh. I’m tall. I’m mildly neurodivergent. I’ve been involved in the kink scene one way or another for more than a decade.

I’m primarily a sadist, but I’m interested in everything.

I started this blog out of a sense of disappointment in the kink-adjacent material available online: shitty erotica, outdated advice based on misinformation, floofy wellness nonsense pedalled by “educators”, and blogs by retailers that all stole content from the same few sources.

I think we can and should do better. This collection of texts is my contribution to that.

Stay in touch

If you like what I do, sign up to my mailing list. I’ll drop you an email every six months or so to let you know about the most interesting things I’ve been working on lately.


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, consider buying me a coffee to support the work I do...

Your support will allow me to keep on writing things like this!


  1. […] Kristan X  is an Edinburgh-based writer who, in her words, is the “(somewhat twisted) mind behind the professionally-filthy sex blog Lascivity …” In February, 2020, Kristan posted an article on this oft-discussed topic. We encourage you to read it. […]

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