An introduction to Lorals, a new wearable alternative to dental dams for barriered oral sex.
Literate Kink
Kristan X is writer and artist based in Edinburgh. He owns and edits Lascivity, a curated collection of kink resources and dirty stories.
He identifies as a natural sadist, but enjoys experimenting with almost any kink or fetish.
He is also mildly neurodivergent - a quality that, for the most part, fits well with the somewhat-formalised nature of BDSM. More about that here.
He writes dirty stories, and makes adult choose-your-own-adventure games.
He's really quite bad at small talk.
A guide to getting started with electro play, including TENS machines, violet wands and shock sticks.
An explanation of post-play drop, and ideas for proactively dealing with it.
A guide to playing with chastity when in a long-distance kinky relationship.
A guide covering the range of different butt plugs available, and how to find one that’s right for you.