“He laughs. She laughs. There is a silence between them, but it’s not awkward anymore. He finds himself examining the curves of her body within her dress.”
A short story about an encounter at a New Year’s Eve party.
Literate Kink
Well-crafted, smart, nuanced dirty stories which feature at least some element of kink. Browse our entire catalogue below, or select what you’re in the mood for below.
“He laughs. She laughs. There is a silence between them, but it’s not awkward anymore. He finds himself examining the curves of her body within her dress.”
A short story about an encounter at a New Year’s Eve party.
“Cal felt a hard kick in the pit of his stomach as the towel hit the floor. She was naked underneath. Completely naked.”
A novel excerpt about forbidden attraction.
“You can’t stop looking at her body – the way that everything is a curve that ends in another curve. No angles. No straight lines.”
A short story about having sex outside in the sunshine.
“I removed my clothes item by item until I was naked and unadorned. I bent over with my hands on the bed. You told me exactly what you needed of me.”
A short story about a couple engaging in domestic discipline.
“She has her tongue in his mouth and her hand on his crotch when he becomes aware that at some point in the near future he’s going to need to remove his socks.”
A short story about undressing, awkwardly.
“Her weight is on top of me. As she guides my dick into her and settles down on her haunches. I can feel the weight of her. When I’m on top I don’t feel that weight.”
A vignette about cowgirl fucking.
“Livvy had been at Foxheath for almost a month before she saw someone being caned for the first time. It wasn’t that canings were rare at Foxheath – quite the contrary, in fact.”
A book extract about a caning at a fantasy university.
“When it starts to rain – one, two, three light droplets on the backs of our necks – we lie down flat, limbs splayed, facing the sky.”
Two vignettes about getting wet and swallowing liquids.
“I send her a message an hour before I arrive telling her that I want her to fight. When I get to her house she lets me in as normal. We go upstairs. She is breathing heavily.”
A vignette about a playfight.
An interactive fiction about getting laid in a vampire nightclub.