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A Complete Guide to Spanking Implements

Spanking and whipping are staples of the kink community. Many, many kinky folk enjoy impact play to some degree… be that a soft and gentle flogging or a more severe disciplinary caning.

Fortunately, we have available to us a hugely diverse range of tools and toys for delivering beatings of different types and severity. Some implements you’re probably already familiar with: the cane, the belt, the bare hand or the strap. Others are more esoteric… think birches, tawses, quirts and slippers.

Here’s a full list of spanking implements, featuring both the mundane and the bizarre. Whatever kind of impact play you enjoy, there’s bound to be something here to suit you.

Bare hand

A bare hand, palm facing upward on a white background

[ Available from: The end of your arms ]

The organic, skin-safe, additive-free choice – so universally enjoyable that I actually have two of them. Hand spankings can be both light and severe. One advantage to them is that they offer a lot of feedback to the spanker; when using the bare hand you really feel how hard you’re hitting someone.

Hand spankings – which can feature a lot of skin-on-skin contact – can also be wonderfully intimate.


A coiled black leather belt with a shiny buckle on a white background

[ Available from: Check your trousers ]

A winner as far as convenience goes: whenever I’m wearing trousers (which I often am) a belt is usually on hand, and can be repurposed for kinky fun with a minimum of fuss. Belts are also good for lots of other things too: they can be used as restraints, leashes, and even gags.

It’s conventional for the spanker to coil the belt in their hand and deliver a nice stingy beating with the tail. That’s not to say you can’t use the buckle, but if you do you should be aware that it’s much heavier, much nastier, and that it has much more potential to cause accidental injury.


A bundle of birch twigs tied together with twine for use as a spanking implement on a white background

[ Available from: Your nearest forest ]

A birch is basically a big bunch of birch twigs – a description which belies just how painful they can actually be. A well-made birch is comprised of straight, clean twigs with all the sharp poky bits pruned off. A poorly-made birch retains its nobbles and points… and thus delivers a much more sadistic beating.

Birches are disposable toys (don’t worry, they break down in an eco-friendly way). Because they are porous and can draw blood, each birch should only ever be used on one person.

Cane (natural)

A straight rattan cane with a small crooked handle on a white background

[ Available from: Bondara | Uberkinky ]

A classic implement. People think canes are made from bamboo, but they’re not. Bamboo is what pandas eat. Kinky canes are usually made from rattan… a material that is far more flexible and less likely to break on impact.

Different canes deliver different sensations, but most canes are on the stingy side of the stingy/thuddy paradigm. They’re generally beloved because of their long history as an implement of punishment, and also because they leave very clean, attractive marks.

For more about caning, I suggest you read A Complete Guide to BDSM Caning.

Cane (synthetic)

A synthetic BDSM cane with three tines and a leather handle on a white background

[ Available from: Bondara | Uberkinky ]

You can buy synthetic canes in a range of materials, from acrylic to lexan. The different materials each have different properties… although, again, most canes err on the side of stingy rather than thuddy.

Synthetic canes have the advantage that they’re much easier to maintain than natural ones… and are in most cases less likely to break. They can also be really painful, too. Just so you know.

For more about caning, I suggest you read A Complete Guide to BDSM Caning.


A BDSM black rubber police club or truncheon on a white background

[ Available from: Uberkinky ]

A rubber club resembles a police truncheon or other similar implement, but is made of rubber and is soft and light enough to leave bruises but do not real harm. These implements are good for imtimidation, and for beatings that are both stingy and thuddy at the same time.


A black leather BDSM spanking crop with red detail on a white background

[ Available from: Lovehoney USA / UK | Bondara | Uberkinky | SheVibe ]

A staple of BDSM. A short, flexible length of rod (usually wrapped with leather or another material) with a handle on one end and a flat keeper on the other. A crop can be used to achieve a variety of sensations – a sharp smack with the rod, or a more tender slap with the keeper. They also just look real kinky.

In vanilla contexts these are often used in horse-riding and hunting… so beating a consenting partner with one is actually one of the least obnoxious uses a given crop might be put to.

Electric flyswat

A round electric flyswat with a black handle on a white background

[ Available from: Amazon ]

Okay, so not technically an implement designed for spanking. But if you were designing an implement you could hardly do much better. A paddle which delivers a short, sharp shock on impact. If you know where to look you can find custom made ones that don’t look like they came straight from Poundland. There is no need to roleplay that your partner is a fly.


A black BDSM leather flogger with a red handle on a blank white background

[ Available from: Lovehoney USA / UK | Bondara | Uberkinky | SheVibe ]

A popular toy that consists of a rigid handle and multiple flexible falls – think cat-o-nine-tails and you’ll be in the right general area. The implement of choice for domly doms who take themselves way too seriously. But also good for fun times and extended beatings.


A black plastic hairbrush lying with the bristled facing upwards on a white background

[ Available from: Amazon ]

Another improvised option for when you haven’t planned ahead. A hairbrush will generally be available in your average household. Someone once asked me which end of the hairbrush is usually held and which is used to hit. Answer: if you can feel the bristles in your hand you’re doing it wrong.


A black leather spanking loop with a wooden handle on a white background

[ Available from: Etsy ]

A loop of flexible material such as leather, wire or plastic cord mounted at the end of a handle. Pretty uncommon. I had mine custom-made by a friend out of USB cord – because I’m a nerd and I believe in recycling, that’s why. These vary enormously in terms of weight and severity. They produce a stingy sensation and some interesting marks.


A bunch of fresh green nettles on a white background

[ Available from: Pretty much anywhere ]

A freshly-picked bundle of nettles doesn’t deliver much of an impact, but the pain and discomfort they cause when used as a spanking implement definitely lasts. The spanker should handle nettles with gloves to avoid any discomfort. It is recommended that the spankee wears a thong or other underwear to prevent stings on the genitals… unless, of course, they’re into that kind of thing.


A black leather BDSM paddle with a heart-shaped cutout on a white background

[ Available from: Lovehoney USA / UK | Bondara | Uberkinky | SheVibe ]

Usually made of wood or leather, paddles consist of a handle and a flat surface. Their size and weight mean they can be quite painful. And noisy. And they leave some excellent marks. Variants include paddles imprinted with epithets such as “TULS”, designed to produce a labelling effect.


A short, single-tailed rubber whip or quirt on a white background

[ Available from: Bondara | Uberkinky ]

Essentially similar in appearance to a flogger, but with only one or two thick falls rather than many thin ones, and a weird silly-sounding name. Quirts can be used in a similar fashion to a flogger, but generally produces a sharper sensation, and are much more likely to leave marks. Difficult to find outside of the eighteenth century.


A pair of black plastic slippers on a white background

[ Available from: Your shoe rack ]

The slipper, plimsoll or sandal is a traditional implement of punishment in many cultures. As well as being easily available, the weight and width of most slippers mean that they can pack quite a punch. Of course, you can select softer and fluffier footwear if you’re looking for a lighter punishment.


A black leather BDSM spanking strap on a white background

[ Available from: Lovehoney USA / UK ]

Essentially the same as a tawse but with a solid tongue rather than a split one. Not a huge difference in sensation, although the strap tends to be more weighty, and produce – to my ears at least – a somewhat less satisfying sound.


A thick leather tawse (or two-tongued strap) on a white background

[ Available from: Bondara | Uberkinky | SheVibe ]

A short strip of leather, the end of which is split into two thick tails. The name is Scots in origin (the plural of “taw”, which is Scots for belt or thong), and the tawse was traditionally applied to the palm of the hand. It works well in any fleshy area though. Snap.


A black leather BDSM whip lying curled up on a white background

[ Available from: Lovehoney USA / UK | Bondara | Uberkinky | SheVibe ]

You’re probably picturing a classic bullwhip, but these require an exceptional amount of space and quite a lot of practice to use correctly – plus they do more damage than you probably want. Shorter, more flexible whips are more practical for use indoors. Just know that, if you’re waving it around inside the house, it’s about one hundred percent likely that you’re going to knock something off a shelf.

Wooden spoon

A thick wooden spoon isolated on a white background

[ Available from: Your kitchen | Amazon ]

The humble wooden spoon makes an excellent impact play tool. The handle can be used like a short rod, while the spoon acts more like a paddle. Generally speaking wooden spoons are light and stingy rather than heavy and thuddy, making them a good choice when doing light or exploratory impact play on sensitive parts of the body.


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Published inKink Guides


  1. Gregory Sietsema Gregory Sietsema

    On the subject of improvised implemtns, try a hardback book if you’ve got nothing else to hand. Nice and heavy, thuddy, but with a satisfying sting to it.

  2. Glendora Glendora

    Great list! Would you mind if I share this in a Fetlife group I admin? There’s a lot of folks that I think would get a kick out of it and probably have suggestions of their own. Thank you!

  3. Stuart Jarman Stuart Jarman

    Good list of implements and my backside has felt them all apart from the club Another two to be considered which i have received hockey stick at school and cricket bat The miniature versions can both be found at a reasonable price and give a good whacking to a naughty girls or boys bottom

    • Sounds like you went to a considerably rougher school than I did! There’s certainly something appealing about a miniature cricket bat, though. Thanks for reading!

  4. Daniel Daniel

    I think an item overloomed is the Wooden Spoon.

    Granted not designed to be used for spanking but it ideal for spanki g on the bottom; sit spots; tops of thighs along with sides………also great at targeting the anus.

    If done correctly produces a lovely echo noice and a wonderful sensation ☺

  5. Arrrrrr Arrrrrr

    I would explain more about the different thicknesses of canes, and how that affects the recipient’s sensations. The width of the slapper of a riding crop also causes very different results. Reportedly paddles with holes are much more intense than those without holes, because without holes an air cushion forms in a rapid stroke.
    I say reportedly, because although my lady friend is assiduous in her application of various types to my bare bottom I do not notice a particular sting from the holey one.

  6. John John

    Under the birch heading there are a variety of woodland derived implements which offer excellent results. The shoots that grow from the base of a variety of trees can be used . I have been the recipient of punishments from most varieties but my all time favourite is a three foot length of holly shoot. I select a straight green shoot and remove the leaf growth from the tip. Holly tends to be flexible yet strong and produces wonderfully defined marks and welts which pleases my Mistress immensely.

    • Kristan X Kristan X

      Interesting – I’ve only encountered birch before. More research into wooden punishment implements is needed. Thanks for the inspiration; I’ll update this piece sometime soon!

  7. BamBam BamBam

    Cogent article, great writing. My experience is that women, whether spanko or vanilla, will tolerate soreness, savor redness in the mirror, but absolutely bitch about dark spot bruises. And God help you if you cut them. So let’s say the fun for me is to leave a girl with maximum cant-sit-down soreness for a week or more, but no damage to her “merchandise”. Start with hand, then what? Usually it’s easy to reach for the wooden hairbrush, but maybe should reposition her and use the flogger for a good long while, no cuts, just fun, while playing the santana album and keeping rhythm What do You think? I have only used a heavy rubber flogger, but I guess the original floggers were leather strand, seems like more caution would be needed with those. Keep in mind my goal is not to give a girl the maximum sensual variety, which yes they crave, been there done that, but rather my goal is that she can’t sit for days, but without dark spot bruises, and if a small cut opens I have to halt. So what sequence of instruments do you suggest? Longest session I ever did was one hour minute 45 minutes, usually spanko girls crave at least 45 minutes, or more, then want more the next day or two. Time consuming. Rather give them a sore butt that lasts, so they can wallow in ecstacy, take selfies, wallow in self-pity, experience soreness for a few days. Save my time for other things. Your thoughts are appreciated.

  8. Darryl Darryl

    I need help finding the most painful came possible so I can get more painful spankings from my wife, and hopefully more severe marks and even cuts. My wife canes me (by my request) and does it with a moderate amount of force because she is afraid of losing control of the cane. She was never into this until we met but has come to enjoy doing it for me because she knows how hot and bothered it gets me when she does it. She actually gets turned on by it now. However, although I have tried to coax her into really putting her back into it, she is afraid of hitting me too high up and hitting my back. I am very grateful for her willingness to do this for me and she is willing to give me long spankings at her “safe” full force, but I have a high pain tolerance on my ass and I want her to be able to make me beg for mercy. Before I met her I had a few prior girlfriends who were not afraid to be extremely severe and could easily make me gasp for air, and I would like to be able to experience that (or at least approach it) with my wife. Since I can’t get her to increase her strike force, I need a more severe implement that isn’t too long (definitely under 36”). We currently use a 30” plastic cane that replaced a similar rattan cane because it hurts more than the rattan did. We have also used riding crops with the leather slapper on the end removed. Is there anything that anyone recommends that can really make me “regret” my decision?

  9. […] On the other hand, silicone paddles are celebrated for their consistency and hygienic advantages. They offer a steady sting, appealing to those desiring intense and clean play. These paddles symbolize consented power dynamics, often crafted with personal flair or given as community tokens5. […]

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