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A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture

The tits are a wonderfully sensitive and vulnerable part of the body. Tit torture is the general name for a range of activities that involve inflicting pain or trauma on the breasts for the purposes of mutual, kinky enjoyment.

Here’s what you should know about engaging in tit torture safely… along with some ideas for creative and interesting ways to inflict pain on your (or your lover’s) tits.


Why do people enjoy tit torture?

Tit torture considerations

An index of tit torture techniques

Why do people enjoy tit torture?

People enjoy tit torture for a range of reasons. For some masochists, the pain actually feels good – they experience it as very intense pleasure. For others the pain is unpleasant, but having their tits tortured makes them feel submissive and obedient, or makes the sexual activities they get onto afterwards hotter.

For sadists, tit torture presents a whole new range of ways to hurt their willing victims. It’s a thing worth exploring for anyone with any interest in pain.

Tit torture can also be a tangential part of other fetishes. Folk who enjoy human cow roleplay might enjoy playing with the idea of “milking” their lover, and a little bit of tit torture works well as part of play involving predicament bondage.

Tit torture considerations

There are, of course, some things you should consider before engaging in any kind of tit torture. Among them:

Breast implants

Does the person whose tits are to be tortured have breast implants? If so, it may be safer to avoid tit torture and instead focus on enjoying other forms of sadomasochistic play. There are plenty to choose from.

Let me clarfiy: breast implants are usually more or less safe… but with some types of breast implant there’s a small possibility that impact to the breasts could cause the implant to rupture. This, in turn, can potentially cause some serious health issues. If unsure, it’s better not to risk it.

Even itty-bitty titties

Breast torture is still an option, even for people who have small breasts. Almost all techniques described here work just as well for little titties as they do for big ones. Don’t let the uniqueness of your body discourage you from exploring.

It’s worth mentioning, too, that men also have breasts. Generally they’re a little smaller than women’s breasts, but they’re just as sensitive, and can provide just as much pleasure and pleasurable pain.

Caring for tortured breasts

Tit torture may leave breasts bruised, aching, or mildly lacerated. As with any injury to any sensitive part of the body, you should treat traumatised tits with care. That means cleaning any wounds, applying cold packs to severe bruises, protecting any sensitive spots, and monitoring the healing of injuries closely.

As with any other part of the body, if your injuries from a session of tit torture don’t seem to be healing at a normal rate (or if you see notice anything else even slightly worrying) go speak to your doctor.


Got breasts? Depending on your age and the country where you live, you’ll more than likely have the occasional appointment for someone to examine them. It’s best to abstain from tit torture for at least a month leading up to any mammogram or breast exam.

This is so that any bruises and other injuries to the breast have a chance to heal, and thus do not interfere with the results of your medical investigation.

Getting lumps

Trauma to the breast (even enjoyable, kinky trauma) can sometimes cause longer-lasting damage. It’s not terrifically uncommon for tit torture to result in fat necrosis – basically little lumps in your breast that form following an impact, and linger around for some time after bruises have faded.

If you notice lumps, you should consult your doctor. Fat necrosis isn’t usually dangerous, and it doesn’t lead to breast cancer or any other terrifying condition down the line. So why go to the trouble of seeing a doctor?

Simply, it’s because you don’t know for sure that’s what it is. Even if the appearance of the lumps coincides with a session of brutal tit torture, the two may be unrelated. The safest option is to treat all lumps the same, and get them investigated at your earliest convenience.

An index of tit torture techniques

There are almost limitless things you can do to inflict pain on a willing victim’s breasts. Here are some of the most enjoyable.


A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Get something rough or abrasive. Get a tender little titty. Rub it with the rough thing. That’s all there really is to abrasion play.

Objects you could use, include:


A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Breast bondage takes a number of different forms. You can tie bondage ropes (like these) around the chest to squeeze and lift the breasts, or tape them down with bondage tape for a constrictive experience. You can even knot strands of dental floss around erect nipples to give them a painful little squeeze.

Breast bondage is anything which compresses, binds, lifts or squashes the breasts. It can be combined with other forms of play. Bound breasts are, after all, often a bit more sensitive and vulnerable than unbound ones.


A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

There are tonnes of interesting clamps available to play with. Clamping someone’s nipples not only causes pain in the moment of clamping, but a rush of sensation when clamps are removed. Weights can be added to each clamp make things more interesting, or clamps can be bound together with a chain… which can then be incorporated into other bondage.

For a full article on clit and nipple clamps, which explores some of these interesting variations, go here.

Of course, not everyone owns nipple clamps. If that’s you, you can improvise them quite easily by using chopsticks (one either side of the nipple, bind them together tightly with rubber bands), binder clips (ouch), or any other squeezy thing.

If you have prominent nipples, your options are even more varied. You can wind dental floss around your erect nipple for a sharp squeeze, or secure rubber bands in place for prolonged torture.

Safety note: when we say prolonged… we mean for several minutes at a stretch. Clamps shouldn’t be left in place for longer than that.

Electro play

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

This one comes with a caveat: applying electrical current to the skin anywhere near the heart is an extremely risky activity. Don’t undertake it lightly.

Ensure that the equipment you’re using is designed for purpose, that you understand fully how it works, that both people playing have no history of heart conditions, that everyone is in good health, and that conditions are such that current shouldn’t pass through the chest.

Clamps like these are ideal for this, as they ensure that current takes the route from one side of the nipple to the other. It bears re-iterating, though – there’s still some risk involved.


A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Figging is an act which involves applying raw ginger to sensitive areas of the body to create a pleasurable/agonising burning sensation. For a complete guide to figging, go here.

You can apply all kinds of substances to the tits to create a pleasing burning sensation. Some ideas include:

Be cautious when applying any substance to a sensitive area. The sensation caused by any of the above will linger for a good while even after the substance is washed off… meaning that there’s nothing you can do if the sensation is too strong. Use a tiny quantity to begin with, and work your way up once you know what you’re dealing with.

Also, use gloves or wash your hands after handing the above. You really, really don’t want to accidentally spread any of these things to your genitals.

Impact play

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

There’s very little more satisfying than slapping the fuck out of a tit. Bear in mind, of course, that tits are more sensitive than other spankable body parts: you can’t whale on them as hard as you would someone’s arse.

That said, there’s still a lot of fun to be had with impact play on the breasts. Experiment with implements – a wooden spoon is a great size and shape for breast spanking, but short crops and mini floggers also work well.

Pins and needles

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Sharp edges and points can be used to needle and prickle the tits in ways that range from stimulating to downright agonising. Fun implements include a wartenberg pinwheel, or any of its nasty variants… as well as needles, vampire gloves, and pointy metal finger things.

If you want to take things a step further, you can experiment with actually inserting needles into the skin, or cutting the skin with sharp objects. This is, it goes without saying, quite a dangerous activity, and one that you should only engage in once you’ve done a significant amount of your own research and learning.

Suction cups

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Suction cups come in a few different forms. The simplest ones are squeezy bulbs: eject the air, apply to the nipple and release for a pleasing sucking sensation. If that’s not quite enough for you, you can get stronger sensation with cups, or with powered clit stimulators – the latter are great for hucow (human cow) roleplay scenarios, as they evoke a milking machine quite nicely.

Of course, don’t forget that the easiest way to experiment with suction is using your mouth – it’s a tool for suction that’s free, easy to use, and which you always have with you. Mind your teeth, though.

Sticky stuff

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Apply duct tape to breasts. Wait a minute for the glue to adhere. Rip off. Lather, rinse, repeat. Equally, you can have a good time simply by rubbing breasts with a grippy material like silicone, or the palm of a latex glove.

Stinging nettles

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Stinging nettles can be used to inflict pain on any part of the body, but they’re particularly effective when used on delicate areas (like, for example, the breasts).

Safety notes: use gloves to keep your hands from getting stung. Ensure that you have correctly identified stinging nettles, and haven’t accidentally picked a much more dangerous plant.


A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

The good thing about using your teeth is that you almost always have them with you. These handy implements can be used to bite, scrape or gently nuzzle a nipple, bite breast tissue, or suck and nibble on breasts. For a full article on biting as part of BDSM play, including safety advice and other ideas, go here.

Temperature play

A Comprehensive Guide to Tit Torture - Advice on tit torture or breast and nipple torture by Lascivity

Applying hot or cold substances to the tits is a great way of causing both pleasure and pain. This can be anything from an ice cube on the nipples, to some tit-sucking with a mouthful of hot tea. You can try hot wax, a cold spoon from the freezer, or a lit match held close (but not too close) to the skin.

For a full article on temperature play, including detailed safety advice and a whole lot of other ideas, go here.


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Published inKink Guides


  1. James the submissive boy James the submissive boy

    I am too gentle to hurt my girlfriend’s nipples. But she finds mine to be perfect targets for clothes clips and clamps. According to her men need to be more aware of the sensitivity of that area. Apparently i disappointed her by being stoic when she flogged me there, so know its the flogger for my shaven nuts, tge cane for my bum and the clamps for my chest. A veey sensitive area. She has also had a friend torture my nipples while she uses her strapon up my hole. Then i don’t know which sensation to focus on, but it definitely majes me acutely aware of my submissive side! She also had that area lasered so it stays hair free.

  2. gofinsc gofinsc

    I could never spank my wife’s pussy correctly for her to enjoy it, but she liked her boobs slapped and her nipples spanked with my fingertips. I was able to bring her to an orgasm a few times just from spanking her nipples. The most fun was having her kneel over my face and slapping her boobs while I ate her, and then continuing while she was in cowgirl. Made for great multiple orgasms. I liked her to spank my nipples, but she would only use her hands, even though I wanted her to use a little strap or belt on them. When we were in missionary I would raise up after her first orgasm and hold on to the headboard, and have her spank my nipples while I kept pumping. But I never could stand it through ejaculation. I also liked her to slap my cock, especially the head, which she enjoyed doing. Light ball slapping was fun in moderation. Nipple nibbling and biting the very tip of my cock was also fun. Nibbling her nipples and her clit, gently, got nice reactions too. Ah, the good old days!

  3. Craig Thienes Craig Thienes

    I’m a submissive man and I like nipple torture with my dominant woman pinching me with her fingernails. It’s really sexy if she has long pretty nails. I like to have to say mercy mistress several times. I want her to humiliate me by making fun of my big tits and telling me how gross I look.

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