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She checks the instructions on her phone. She’s clean. Dripping wet from the shower, her hair turbaned on top of her head, warm and heavy. He hasn’t put his requirements in any kind of sensible order. She rearranges them in her head: she’s already waxed and smooth. She dealt with the enema before getting in the shower. That leaves hair, makeup, clothing, and the toy.

Hair first, she decides. She dries herself roughly, then hangs up the towel. Enjoys being naked as she pads about her room, kneels in front of the mirror. Dries, brushes, dries some more. Pulls it back, examines herself, lets it loose, pulls it back again. Eventually she ties it back and tidies up the loose strands.

What’s the time? Three-quarters of an hour until he arrives. She should have started earlier.

She’s enjoying being naked. Doesn’t want clothes just yet. She gets onto the bed, props up the hand mirror and does her makeup. A soft, cold swipe of eyeliner along her lids. Blink. Wear eyeliner, but minimal other makeup. That’s what the instructions say. She wants some foundation, but she keeps it light and blends until she’s sure he won’t notice.

Lipstick? She rolls the tube in her fingers. She knows he likes it, but it’s hardly minimal. No. This will do.

She pulls on the panties he sent her. The suspender belt takes her a long time to figure out. She’s gentle with the stockings – didn’t think to buy spares in case she ripped one of them. It feels snug once it’s in place, hugging her body. Makes her feel svelte and smooth. She is very smooth. Since getting the wax she’s found it hard not to let her fingers creep down there every so often. So different from what she’s used to.

The top is all straps. It provides no support, but hugs her around the ribs, cuts into her shoulders just a little. Not comfortable. Not at all… but when she looks at herself in the mirror she feels a faint frisson at the sight of herself, strapped and severe and cut in black.

Fifteen minutes until he arrives. Just the plug to go. She gets it out and flicks a speck of dust from it. Realises she should have done this before securing the belt. Ah. That was silly. No time to take it all off now. She’ll just have to deal with it.

As she spreads lube onto the toy with the tip of one finger she notices her breathing. Faster and hotter than normal. She notices her body – every inch of it shaped and prepped and smoothed in some way to meet his specifications. And the labour of preparing herself isn’t done yet.

The plug, glistening with lube, goes onto the bedside table. She gets down on her knees and bends over the bed. Reaches back and pulls down her panties as far as the tops of her stockings. Awkward and undignified. Blind. She picks up the plug, arches her back and reaches behind herself.

Its tip is cold, slick. The point feels sharp until she uses it to spread some of the lube over herself. Then it’s more pleasant – blunt pressure. She arches her back, breathes, tries to relax as much as she can. It helps to spread her legs. She pushes the plug into herself. Can’t stop a grunt of discomfort escaping her. It’s big. Only a little smaller than his dick, she thinks.

After a moment she’s at a point where she can’t push without a little pain. She stays there for a long time, panic mounting. He’ll arrive any second now and she’s not ready. She should be ready. She promised him she would be. She pushes a little harder, gritting her teeth. What if she can’t take it? What if it is too big for her?

It’s only when she stops, gives herself a break, takes a minute to breathe… it’s only then that the plug finally slips into place. She feels it enter her: deep, cool, smooth. Filling her. Her cunt throbs and she remains bent over the bed for a minute after it’s in, breathing and adjusting to the sensation of being penetrated.

Then she checks the time. No time. He’s due now. She pulls her panties back into place, checks herself in the mirror. Hair is fine. Makeup fine. Nothing out of place. The plug inside her feels extraordinarily heavy, but she’ll get used to it. It won’t be in for long.

She’s pulling on her gown when she hears his key in the door. She takes a breath. She’s ready.


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Published inDirty StoriesVignettes


  1. JerBear JerBear

    I really enjoyed reading that. The timing of your words pulled me through the story faster and faster. thank you.

  2. Cal Cal

    Loved this account of preparing yourself for what should be an amazing time together. Something as mundane as getting ready is taken to a different level in your narration, replete with tension and excitement.

    • Kristan X Kristan X

      Pure fiction, I’m afraid – but I’m glad it worked for you. Thanks for reading!

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