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Piledriver Observations

This piece is part of a series:

Cowgirl | Facefuck | Come | Piledriver | Vocalisation | Cumshot


It is an inherently absurd position. She lies on her back, her legs spread, one hand gripping either calf to pull her legs as far back as they will go – her knees almost by her ears. Her genitals, normally hidden by the curves of her body, are exposed, bared obscenely at me: the wet glisten of her cunt and her arsehole beneath.


When I fuck her like this I can, at any time, look down and see my cock entering her body. The thick girth of me penetrating the smooth mound of her pubis. From this angle the scale looks all off, like there cannot possibly be space inside her to accommodate me. Like there is no way I could fit… and yet, as I thrust myself home, I do.


She’s tighter, like this. Her cunt gripping my cock like a hand. Of course she is tighter; I am driving into the place where her body bends. By that same token, it hurts her. Of course it hurts her; I am driving into the place where her body bends. I grip her thighs and keep her legs spread wide as I thrust into her cunt. She whimpers with every thrust. Looks me directly in the eye.


In this position, she cannot quite reach me. She wants to touch me. Touch my chest, kiss me, put her hands in my hair. These are things she does when we fuck face to face. Like this, however, she can see me but cannot touch me. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with her hands. She grips the bedsheets on either side of her. Wrings her hands together at her neck. Bites her fingers. Reaches for me, but doesn’t quite reach me.


When I bend down to kiss her my weight rests on the back of her thighs, pinning them against her body. My arms are planted on either side of her. She is squashed into a tiny, tight ball of limbs and torso. No place else for her to go. It is pleasing to feel all of her pinned under me like that: her shaking legs, reaching arms, heaving chest. Her beautiful face.


If I come inside her like that – pressing her down, pinning her down, her legs trapped against her chest, her body folded in half – it leaks out of her. As I pull out. As she relaxes down onto the bed, panting, pink-faced. It drips from her in a swift, liquid slew, oozing and pornographic. She notices me watching this happen. She covers her cunt with one hand, and reaches for me with the other.


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Published inDirty StoriesVignettes


    • Kristan X Kristan X

      Thanks! It’s part of a series of similar listicle stories. Thinking it might be a wee filthy little book one day…

    • Kristan X Kristan X

      I love writing things like this because it makes me pay attention to what I’m doing and really think about details, nuances, the exact sensations of everything.

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