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A Piss Play Primer

Piss play is a catch-all term used to refer to a number of kinky activities that involve urine. A few fun things which sit in this category include:

  • Pissing on your lover
  • Being pissed on
  • Drinking your lover’s piss
  • Deliberately pissing yourself when ordered to
  • Being ordered to defer urination until it becomes uncomfortable

Broadly speaking, piss play is fairly safe and simple… but there are a few questions about it which you might reasonably want answers to. Here those answers are.


Why do people enjoy piss play?

Myths about piss

Types of piss play

Is ingesting urine safe?

Is deferring urination safe?

Piss play tips

Why do people enjoy piss play?

There are lots of different reasons why people enjoy piss play. Here are a few of the most common ones.

It’s humiliating

Urine is the waste product of one’s body, and a substance around which there is a significant cultural taboo. Getting someone else’s piss on you, consuming piss, or pissing yourself are all considered pretty embarrassing prospects.

For couples who enjoy playing with ideas of degradation and humiliation, any type of play involving piss has the potential to be wonderfully stimulating.

It’s messy

There’s an unrestrained joy to be found in pissing on your partner’s face. It’s wet, messy, bizarre… and superbly freeing. If you enjoy, for example, ejaculating on your partner – piss play represents an opportunity to explore similar sensations by covering them far more copiously with your bodily fluids.

Likewise, some people just enjoy the messy freedom that comes with being made to piss themselves. It’s fun to feel dirty and animal and gross sometimes.

It’s powerfully submissive

Allowing a partner to piss on or in you (or swallowing a dominant partner’s piss) is an act of deep and intense submission. You are accepting their waste, enduring a degrading and unpleasant treatment while also providing relief for them.

For some submissive people, experimenting with piss play is an amazing way to expand and deepen their dominant/submissive relationship.

It feels good

For some people, playing with piss just feels good. They might enjoy the sensations they feel when fucking while their bladder is very full, or get off on the relief and satisfaction of pissing themselves after a long period of being made to hold it.

Likewise, receiving a hot load of piss can be an extremely good time. Many people report that having their partner piss inside them feels akin to having their partner come inside them… but with much greater volume.

Whether giving or receiving, it is possible to find a great deal of sensory joy in the act of pissing.

Myths about piss

Having done an inordinate amount of research about the ingestion of urine, it would be a shame not to address some of the common myths which surround this most inoffensive of bodily fluids. While these aren’t exactly required reading if you’re interested in piss play, I certainly found them interesting.

First and foremost, urine isn’t sterile. The (very common) idea that it is sterile pervades because it almost is. Urine usually doesn’t contain much bacteria, but it does contain bacteria.

Secondly, urine isn’t actively good for you. There are any number of quacks out there who will tell you that a big frothy glass of pee will help heal wounds, fight off cancer, drive out bodily toxins (whatever those are), and generally leave you healthier and wealthier than you’ve ever been before. There is literally no evidence that any of this is true.

Finally, if you happen to find yourself stuck in the desert, drinking your own urine isn’t a good way to stave off death by dehydration. Urine (particularly the urine you produce when dying of thirst) contains salt. For the same reason that drinking salty seawater isn’t a good idea, drinking your salty desert piss is not a step on the road to salvation.

Types of piss play

Some of the most common activities under the piss play umbrella include…

Golden showers

A golden shower is the slang term for a scene in which one partner urinates on the other. This generally doesn’t involve the swallowing of urine by either party.

Piss drinking

Having your lover drink your urine (or vice versa) can be surprisingly romantic, and is a feature in a lot of rough sex and D/s fantasies.

Internal urination

This is, as it sounds, the practise of pissing directly into your partner’s arse or vagina. It’s a fairly niche kink, and can be tricky to accomplish given than it’s hard to pee when you’re hard, and hard to penetrate your partner when you’re not hard.

Deferred urination

Some people very much enjoy the feeling of holding a bladder full of pee. You might choose to defer urination…

  • … for your own sensory pleasure.
  • … to enhance a masturbation session.
  • … because you enjoy sex with a full bladder.
  • … because your partner orders you to as part of a D/s dynamic.

Forced wetting

A D/s activity that involves making someone wet themselves. The top derives pleasure from inflicting this indignity, and the bottom derives pleasure from being humiliated – something that can be enhanced by their continuing to wear their sodden, piss-soaked clothes.

Is ingesting urine safe?

Short answer: yes, but you should only do it occasionally.

Most of the time drinking a bladder-full of your own or a partner’s urine will do you no harm whatsoever. But there are circumstances where it’s inadvisable. Here are some of the things you should watch out for.


Your urine may sometimes contain tiny amounts of any medication you’ve been taking. Before letting someone consume your piss you should consider any medication you’re taking. If it appears that it might be harmful to your partner, wait until you’re no longer taking this medication before letting them drink your pee.


It is very unlikely that you will pass on an infection to someone else by letting them drink your piss… but it is possible. If you have any kind of infection (particularly something affecting the kidneys or genitals) you should wait until it has cleared before engaging in piss play.

Similarly, if a little bit of piss happens to end up in your eyes during play (easily done), it’s a sensible precaution to rinse them out at the next convenient opportunity.


I recommend drinking lots of water before engaging in piss play. By doing so you’ll ensure that your urine is mostly water, and that any waste products therein are well-diluted. This will make it not just more pleasant for whoever you’re pissing on, but also somewhat safer too (see below).

Your poor kidneys

Piss has a lot more waste chemicals in it than plain water. Your kidneys (god bless them) have to work hard to filter out these waste products. Drinking lots of concentrated piss, or drinking piss on a very routine basis could conceivably do some harm to them.

If piss play is just an occasional thing for you, you really don’t need to worry… but if it’s something you engage in on a weekly basis, it may be worth scaling things back for the sake of your poor internal organs.

Is deferring urination safe?

Short answer: yes, but you should only do it occasionally.

Not peeing when your body tells you that you need to pee is, for the most part, just a bit uncomfortable. Holding your bladder on a regular basis, though, can weaken the muscles which control it and (ironically) make it difficult to regulate your urination just generally. To be on the safe side, save deferred urination for an occasional treat.

Piss play tips

Do it in the bath

To make clean up nice and easy, the best place to engage in piss play is in the bath, shower or wet room. Outside, given sufficient privacy, is also an excellent option.

Some sources recommend making use of puppy or patient incontinence pads. I don’t. These can, it must be said, hold an impressive amount of liquid… but they drip, they smell bad, and many people find their texture and general vibe unpleasant.

Glug, glug, glug…

Some people find urine rough on the throat, and may have trouble swallowing. This is as much a mental thing as anything to do with the piss itself. Having the pisser drink a lot of water to make their urine nice and dilute is a good way to mitigate any harshness and dilute the taste.

Piss play toys

There are a good range of toys available to enhance your piss play experience. Watersports gags like this mouth-mounted urinal and this gag with built-in funnel can greatly enhance piss-drinking sessions, reduce spillage, and make it easier for the top to direct more of their urine into the mouth of their willing submissive.

For internal urination, hollow butt plugs like this one can make urinating into your partner much easier.

And finally, waterproof sheets will help protect your bed if you do want to splash around some piss outside of the bath or shower.

Flavour-hacking your urine

Most people prefer mild, diluted urine that is closer to warm water than anything else. If that’s what you’re aiming for the most important thing is to drink a lot of water in the run-up to your piss play scene. Water dilutes your pee, making it clear and pleasant, and reducing any noticeable scent or flavour.

It also pays to avoid these foods on the day that you’re planning to pee on your lover, as they are known to commonly make your pee smell funny:

  • Asparagus
  • Caffeine
  • Beetroot
  • Dissolvable vitamins
  • Vitamin B6 supplements
  • Garlic or onions
  • Fish

Conversely, if you and your partner want your pee to be particularly strong-smelling or rich in flavour, the above are an excellent way to make this happen.

Further reading

Urine Is Not Sterile: Use of Enhanced Urine Culture Techniques To Detect Resident Bacterial Flora in the Adult Female Bladder


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Published inKink Guides


  1. Merry Merry

    You can get things called Love Blankets which are very mess proof and absorbent bit feel cosy and comfy. My Domloves me to piss myself when he’s belting me as hard as he can, and these blankets work beautifully.

  2. Merry Merry

    Yes it is. My husband loves to belt me until I piss myself (I enjoy it too) and before we found these blankets, preparation was very tedious. Now we can just indulge whenever we want! I also found the article about the bacteria in women’s urine(and possibly men’s) very interesting. So often, women are told, when having urinary problems, that there’s nothing wrong, so it’s a step in the right direction. Thanks for putting it up. It’s amazing what they can do with genes these days. But it amazes me that urine was ever considered sterile. It’s waste material!

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