A gag is any device designed to prevent the wearer from speaking. They’re pretty popular in BDSM. Indeed, the humble ball gag is so ubiquitous that you can even buy a branded faux-leather Fifty Shades of Grey version in most high street sex shops.
The ball gag, however, is just the start of the story. There are a tonne of different gags you can play with, all with different qualities. And there’s some important stuff you should know about gag safety before you use any of them.
Why do people like gags?
Lots of reasons. Here are some of the most common ones:
They keep the wearer quiet
… which can be desirable from a practical standpoint if your lover is so loud that you’re worried about waking the neighbours.
They look good
… ball and bit gags in particular have a particular kinky aesthetic that lots of people really like. Indeed, the ball gag is so visually kinky that it’s often used as a symbol for BDSM in general.
They can be humiliating
… many gags force the wearer’s mouth wide open, which not only makes them look a bit stupid and bovine, but also leads to them drooling a whole lot. If you’re into humiliation, gags are the business.
They feel good (for some people)
… some people derive pleasure from being able to bite down on something, or from the feeling of an object filling their mouth, or from the difficulties in breathing and speaking that come with gags.
Power play
A gag removes the wearer’s ability to speak – something which puts their lover in a position of significant power over them. The trust required to surrender your ability to vocalise can be intimate and exciting, and can really feed into other types of BDSM power play.
Gag Safety 101
Gags are a huge amount of fun… but they do come with a few safety issues (most of which can be mitigated with the right preparation). You should consider all of the below before playing with gags.
Most gags go right inside a person’s mouth. If a gag happens to be made from a material to which that person is allergic, that is bad news.
Make sure you know what material any gag in your toybox is made from. Make sure you know about any allergies your partner has, or communicate any allergies you have to your partner before you play. You should do this anyway as a standard part of negotiation, but it’s extra important when you’re putting things in their mouth.
Risk of choking
There is always a risk of choking whenever you use any gag.
Never leave someone who is gagged unattended. Pay constant, close attention to them, and be ready to whip the gag out of their mouth if something bad happens.
Gags make you salivate. If you’re lying on your back this can be a problem – saliva can accumulate to the point where it impedes your breathing. All the worse when, sometimes, a gag makes it difficult to drain that saliva away by swallowing.
Use extra caution when someone with a gag is on their back. Keeping them on their front, upright, or face down is preferable, since this allows drool to drain (super sexily) out of their mouth.
Colds and snuffles
Not to be gross, but when you’re riddled with flu your nasal passages swell, and can easily be closed up by snot and other detritus.
Someone who has a cold or other illness that might result in a stuffy or blocked nose shouldn’t wear a gag until it’s cleared up. Even if they’re fine when you put the gag on, they can become not fine incredibly quickly.
A person wearing a gag cannot speak. That’s the point of the gag. They might be able to mumble indistinctly, but they generally won’t be able to make themselves understood.
Agree on some way for the gagged person to signal to you if they’re not okay. You’ll find some some ideas for safegestures and other workarounds here.
Jaw pain
Gags which force the wearer’s mouth wide open (ball gags, bit gags, knot gags, etc) will cause jaw pain if worn for too long. This can be pretty serious if the wearer has joint problems or jaw issues, or if you use a really big gag.
You might be able to address this problem by choosing a smaller gag, or one made from a forgiving material (like silicone) rather than a hard material (like plastic) – smaller and squishier inserts will put less pressure on the wearer’s jaw. You might also consider limiting the amount of time they spend with the gag in their mouth, or giving them frequent breaks from the gag throughout the scene.
Dental stuff
Most gags won’t damage the wearer’s teeth… but some can. Dental gags, spider gags and o-ring gags (any gag made of metal, basically) are particularly bad for this.
Avoid using these types of gag if the wearer has delicate fillings or teeth. If you do use them, be super mindful that the wearer has a mouthful of metal which you should avoid accidentally knocking into with your elbow.
What happens if you vomit while wearing a gag? Maybe you end up puking out your nose. It’s gross and it burns, but it’s not the end of the world. But, also… maybe you end up choking on your own vomit. Not a fun way to go.
If you’re wearing a gag and start to feel nauseous, use your safegesture and stop the scene. Don’t wait to see if it’ll pass. Stop, drink some water, and pick things up again when you feel better.
If your partner is gagged, pay constant attention to them, and remove the gag if they start to look unwell (pale, shivery, sweaty, a wee bit green in the face).
Every different kind of gag
Ball gag
[ Small ball gag | Large ball gag ]
This type of gag uses a smooth ball to fill the wearer’s mouth and keep it open. The balls on ball gags are usually made from plastic (which is quite hard and unyielding) or silicone (which is a lot softer).
By the way, ball gags don’t have to sit entirely within the mouth – even if that looks like how they’re supposed to work. Some people find this uncomfortable, and prefer to wear the gag popping out of their mouth slightly.
Bare hand gag
In the absence of any other equipment, you can gag your willing lover by simply putting a hand over their mouth. Just be sure not to cover their nose as well; you want them to be quiet temporarily, not forever.
Bandit gag
This type of gag (also known as an Over The Nose or OTN gag) is often seen in cartoons. It consists of a piece of cloth tied tightly over the wearer’s mouth and nose. It has absolutely no gagging effect whatsoever, but lots of people like the way it looks, and it’s a common feature in damsel-in-distress roleplay scenarios.
Bit gag
[ Leather bit gag | Silicone bit gag ]
This gag obstructs the wearer’s mouth with a cylinder of biteable material which sits between their teeth. Because of the general aesthetic it’s a favourite for pony play enthusiasts, and is often combined with a bridle and other headgear.
Bone gag
[ Plain bone gag | Semi-realistic bone gag ]
Similar to a bit gag, this gag consists of a rubbery cylinder which sits between the wearer’s teeth. In this case, however, it’s shaped like a bone. Perfect for punishing puppy play persons.
Butterfly gag
[ Butterfly gag with harness ]
A butterfly gag is a type of inflatable gag which includes a thin plate designed to sit between lips and teeth, and an inflatable portion which fills the mouth. When inflated it’s very secure, fills the mouth completely, prevents vocalisation, and also gives the wearer a humiliating “stuffed full” look.
Cheek retractor gag
This gag, usually made of clear plastic, snugs into the mouth and pushes back the wearer’s cheeks to reveal their teeth and gums. It almost guarantees drool, and also looks absolutely ridiculous if that’s your cup of tea.
Cleave gag
A cleave gag is what most people think of when they think of a gag: a strip of fabric or other material which is tied around the wearer’s head, passing through their mouth on the way. Cleave gags are not super effective at preventing vocalisation, but they look pretty neat. Be aware, though, they’ll get sodden with saliva pretty quickly.
Dental gag
[ Dental gag | Dental gag with strap ]
There are a few different kinds of dental gag available, but the most common one sits between the wearer’s teeth and can be ratcheted open notch by notch to allow access to their mouth. Control the gag when ratcheting it open – not doing so can cause an unpleasant metal-on-teeth situation.
Detective gag
This gag gets its name from the fact that it’s prevalent in 1930s and 1940s detective dramas. It consists of a strip of fabric tied over the mouth, not covering the nose. It really doesn’t do anything to keep the wearer quiet, but damsel-in-distress enthusiasts will certainly enjoy the way it looks.
Doll lips gag
[ Doll lips gag ]
This novelty gag consists of a tube or other mouthpiece to keep the wearer’s mouth wide open, fronted with a pair of cartoon plastic lips. It’s definitely distinctive, and some people really like the way it looks.
Double ball gag
[ Double ball gag ]
Double or twin ball gags are a relative rarity. They consist of a single ball with two straps, so that two people can be gagged at once, mouth-to-mouth, sharing saliva and unable to pull apart. Yum.
Drool gag
[ Drool gag ]
Basically a ball gag, except that the ball has been switched out with a silicone nub shaped specifically to promote drooling.
Fornophilic gag
[ Dildo gag | Toilet paper dispenser gag ]
This type of gag is ideal for anyone who gets off on a little bit of human furniture play. They vary hugely, but generally consist of a gag which covers and fills the mouth of the wearer, and upon which can be mounted any number of humiliating devices: a dildo, a toilet brush, a tiny serving platter, etc.
Funnel gag

[ Funnel gag | Urinal gag ]
A gag which incorporates a funnel which drains into the wearer’s mouth. Should, of course, be used with caution to avoid choking. Useful for piss play enthusiasts who want to push the boundaries a little.
Gimp mask
[ Simple gimp mask | Heavy duty gimp mask ]
A gimp mask is a hood which covers the wearer’s entire head, with openings for the mouth and eyes. It’s usually used to humiliate and depersonalise the wearer… although some gimp masks also feature a zip on the mouth opening that can be used to gag the unlucky gimp when necessary.
Head harness
[ Head harness ball gag | Head harness dildo gag ]
Most gags on this list come with a single strap that fastens at the back of the head. If you want something a little more secure, you can get a head harness. This adds extra straps that may go under the chin or over the crown of the head to hold the mouthpiece of the gag in place as firmly as possible.
Inflatable gag
[ Inflatable gag | Inflatable gag with dildo ]
An inflatable gag consists of a mouthpiece and a small hand pump. The mouthpiece is relatively small when inserted, but can be inflated using the pump to a more challenging size. If you like the idea but are having trouble keeping an inflatable gag in place in the wearer’s mouth, consider a butterfly gag instead.
Knotted gag
This type of gag is made out of a strip of material that has been knotted to create something akin to a ball gag. The size of a knotted gag can be adjusted by adding or removing layers from the knot. Cheap and simple, but quite effective. Has a tendency to really soak up drool, though.
Layered gags
Not really a type of gag, as such, but instead a technique wherein different gags are layered one on top of the other. A ball gag can be followed up with a bandit gag, or finished off with a tape gag, for example.
Lockable gag
A lockable gag is any gag that can be secured in place with a miniature padlock. In most cases all that’s required to make a gag lockable is a slightly modified strap. Be very careful when playing with a lockable gag, though – they are, naturally, difficult to remove quickly in the event of an emergency.
Molt gag
[ Medical molt gag ]
A specific kind of dental gag that is inserted into one side of the mouth or the other, and can be locked open at a range of angles. Easily spat out, but included here since they may be of interest to medical play fetishists.
Mouth corset
A mouth corset is a miniature corset designed to be worn around the neck. It usually covers the wearer from the base of their neck up to just below their nose. Some may incorporate a gag mouthpiece, but most do not. Looks good and kinky, and can be used to hold in place another gag.
Mouth guard gag
A gag which features a mouthguard (similar to the kind worn by boxers) as the mouthpiece. May be more comfortable for some wearers, but is also more invasive. Some types of mouth guard gag are slightly malleable when warmed up, and so can be shaped to better fit the wearer.
Mouth stuffing
You can gag someone just by stuffing something (for example, their panties) in their mouth. All the more effective if you then layer a cloth gag on top to keep the stuffing in place. However, you should be cautious when using this type of gag: there is a very high risk of choking.
If you do engage in mouth stuffing, use one large piece of sturdy material, not lots of small ones. If you stuff someone’s mouth with lots of small things or with material that can separate or clump (tissues, paper, etc) they are almost guaranteed to choke. Don’t do it. And always leave a tiny corner of whatever is stuffed into their mouth accessible so you can fish it out if you need to.
[ Plain muzzle | Puppy muzzle ]
A muzzle usually has multiple straps to keep it in place over the wearer’s mouth and nose. Most muzzles muffle the wearer by restricting their jaw. They’re not very effective. If you want a muzzle that also stops the wearer from vocalising, get one with an integrated ball gag.
Muzzles are popular with pet play enthusiasts. They’re often chosen primarily because of the way they look rather than for their ability to silence the wearer.
Shoe gag
[ Shoe gag ]
One for foot fetishists. A gag which (somewhat awkwardly) quiets the wearer by positioning the tip of a shoe in their mouth.
O-ring gag
[ O-ring gag | O-ring gag with nipple clamps ]
This type of gag usually consists of a flexible strap with a metal ring. When inserted into the wearer’s mouth the ring will hold it open… although (unless very tight( o-ring gags easily twist out of position. Spider gags are a more secure variation on the same theme.
[ Pacifier gag ]
A gag which consists of an oversized pacifier. Generally used by people who are into ageplay or humiliation in some capacity.
Panel gag
A panel gag consists of a leather panel which covers the mouth, and which is held in place by a number of straps that go around the head. Many come with an integrated ball or other mouthpiece to keep the wearer quiet – a panel gag without some insertable element won’t do much to keep anyone quiet.
Pecker gag
[ One-way pecker gag | Two-way pecker gag | Adjustable pecker gag ]
Essentially a ball gag with a dildo mounted on it. This might face inwards, filling the wearer’s mouth – very invasive and dominating. Alternatively it might face outwards so that it can be used to service another person. Pecker gags with both an innie and an outtie are rare, but do exist.
Rope gag
[ Rope gag ]
A gag made from a length of rope. You can get pre-made gags of this type if you don’t want to learn how to do the knots yourself, but it’s also pretty simple to whip one up with any ordinary bondage rope.
Rope gags absorb a lot of spit, and depending on the rope used might not be very comfortable in the mouth of the wearer.
Spider gag
[ Metal spider gag | Silicone-coated spider gag ]
A o-ring gag, but with extra metal “claws” to prevent the o-ring from being flipped. Looks appealing and is much more secure than just a simple o-ring.
Tape gag
[ Bondage tape | Duct tape ]
A strip of duct tape makes an okay gag. Most types of tape won’t last long: oils on the wearer’s skin, the moisture of their breath, and the movement of their face will all serve to dislodge most tape gags before very long.
If using bondage tape, you’ll have to wrap all the way around the head, since bondage tape only sticks to itself. If using heavy duty duct tape, be cautious when removing it – even when the glue is weakened by moisture and oil it can still do some damage.
Tongue gag
[ Tongue gag ]
A metal gag which is held in place with a number of straps. It achieves its effect via a metal spoon or paddle which projects into the wearer’s mouth, pinning down their tongue. In the grim old olden days these used to be known as “scold’s bridles”.
Tube gag
Just like it sounds, this is a gag which incorporates a short tube leading into the wearer’s mouth. What you put into that tube is up to you… but these are a favourite of piss play enthusiasts.
Wiffle gag
[ Wiffle gag | Adjustable wiffle gag ]
Like a ball gag, except that the ball is generally made of plastic, hollow, and perforated with holes. These holes allow drool to escape and the wearer to breathe a little easier. If you have trouble with ball gags, a wiffle gag might be a better choice.
Of course I had no idea so many types of gag exist. I want to be ungagged when i am spanked, testing my acceptance of mistress desire to whip me. If I was gagged, I could give in to the pain and scream and she wouldn’t know if i was accepting or fighting. I need to accept her cane because she is guiding me and helping me with her discipline. I feel pride and reassurance when I submit to her. I might buy a butterfly gag, for the first times she pushes me beyond my limits, and then once i have been taught to accept her new goal i would be mouth open and just accept it. Thank you mistress for pushing further and encouraging me to accept your wishes.
There’s definitely a lot of fun to be had by insisting on quiet without a gag, agreed!
My favorite gagging method is to use kitchen tea towels; lots of them. I much prefer them when they are damp or even wet. The different types of tea towel, cotton, linen and cotton/linen mixes each taste and feel slightly different. My Ideal scenario is were the willing captive is dressed as a maid and busy at the sink washing and wiping up. As he/she continues with the task the captor uses the damp tea towels to build up the gag, blindfold and face wrap ending up with half a dozen or more of them tied tightly in place. Be sure to either not using washing up liquid as it is casengentic or ensure dishes are thoroughly rinsed before wiping them up with the tea towels.
[…] Lascivity. A Primer on the Safe Use of Gags in BDSM (January […]