An overview of how arousal can inhibit disgust.
Literate Kink
Literate Kink
An overview of how arousal can inhibit disgust.
“It’s bad, she knows, but she does it anyway. She likes the way it feels and the badness is a part of that. If it was no danger it wouldn’t feel like that.”
A vignette about bareback fucking.
How long does sperm last in the warm, wet environment of a cunt?
“The texture of come changes once it leaves my body. It’s cloudy at first, streaked with white. Thick and clinging. It will stick to skin. Coat throats. Slick fingers pleasantly.”
A vignette about the many and varied properties of come.
“She seems almost a different woman from the one he fucked last night. Back then she was animal: hair loose, eyes burning.”
A short story about the morning after.
“She had yelped at the sudden absence of him in her cunt. And then again when he tightened his grip on her left leg and struck her, hard, on her inner thigh with his other open palm.”
A short story about beautiful bruises.
“Cal felt a hard kick in the pit of his stomach as the towel hit the floor. She was naked underneath. Completely naked.”
A novel excerpt about forbidden attraction.
“You can’t stop looking at her body – the way that everything is a curve that ends in another curve. No angles. No straight lines.”
A short story about having sex outside in the sunshine.