“Because she’s on her period, and because I know she is more sensitive when she’s on her period, I want to hurt her. I look for ways to hurt her.”
A vignette about a walk and some casual sadism.
Literate Kink
“Because she’s on her period, and because I know she is more sensitive when she’s on her period, I want to hurt her. I look for ways to hurt her.”
A vignette about a walk and some casual sadism.
“Have her kneel in front of you, naked. Remove your own clothes. Retain your watch. Place the cane on the bed behind her, making sure she sees you do this.”
A schema for creative cruelty.
“He’ll apologise the first time he puts a hand on your breasts. He’ll take it away. You’ll both laugh. He’ll put it back.”
A vignette about meeting again after quarantine.
“She fumbled with my belt. I undid it as she pulled down her shorts. Urgent now. She bent forwards and I found that part of her with the tip of my cock.”
A vignette about fucking in a very public place.
“Her cunt, however, is inert. It is quiet, unchanging. A smooth and closed-seeming entrance to her body…”
A vignette about quietly observing someone’s cunt.
“Without a record of the things we do together those things become less precise. They lose their edges…”
A vignette about keeping a play diary.
“Before we fuck I put her in a series of stress positions. She holds each for two long minutes…”
A vignette about using stress positions in a scene.
An essay about the perfect grossness of a fleshlight.